I downloaded this app over other gps/ stat tracking apps because of the simplicity of score keeping, the quality of the gps, and connect feature. Ive only used it for one round so far, but its the only gps/ scorekeeper I have used fully during a round. Other apps I get frustrated with and end up deleting mid round, so for this to survive my pickiness... However, a few features Id like to see.
- swipe feature on home screen to navigate to "more" sidebar and profile
- default to par score rather than between par and bogey. This just creates an extra tap required when getting par when scoring bogey would still require a tap..
- move "favorite courses" list underneath the "nearby" list rather than at the bottom. These are favorite courses for a reason (membership, played most..)
- Find a quicker way to add hole stats. I dont have a suggestion here, I just think it gets a bit tedious to click another button to add stats rather than adding them with the strokes.
Overall, best golf app/ gps/ scorekeeper Ive used. Keep making improvements and Ill up to 5 stars!
Gray999 about 18Birdies: Golf GPS Tracker, v3.6.0